A backup and disaster recovery solution can save your company from the expensive costs associated with data loss and downtime.

Why you need a Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution?

At some point, all computer hardware fails. It’s a fact of life. Whether it’s from age or accident, data loss is inevitable when hardware fails, and it can cripple an SMB in a second and destroy profits just as easily. This is why an effective business continuity plan and Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution are essential to virtually every business today.

There’s no way to predict the future; hard drives malfunction unpredictably, cyber-attacks are on the rise, and natural disasters may strike with little to no warning. To ensure data is secure, it needs to be backed up and quickly recoverable so downtime is minimal when the unforeseeable happens.

Our Solution?

Blue Chip Technologies offers a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution to meet your environment’s needs and ensure minimal downtime through our appliance options.  Our appliance offers on-premise virtualization and an optional failover to the cloud so your servers, databases and cloud-based applications can continue to run with little impact to your end-users and clients.

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