Category: Google Workspace

Teamwork from anywhere: G Suite’s vision for content collaboration

G Suite’s tightly integrated, intelligent, and intuitive tools enable teams to collaborate in real time, create impactful content, and turn structured data into insights – wherever they are working from.

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Ver la disponibilidad de otra persona en Google Calendar

Agendar un evento cuando basado en la disponibilidad de su agenda en Google Calendar

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Auto-calculate rooms needed for an event in Google Sheets

Holding an event, and need to calculate what room size you need for registered attendees? In this video, we show you how to create a formula – using an IF

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Cómo compartir tu calendario de Google personal con el laboral

Comparte tu calendario de Google con otra cuenta.

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Creating a quiz in Google Forms – The Suite Life

In the age of COVID-19, the practice of administering or taking quizzes has moved from being physically present to being online. In this episode of The Suite Life, Laura Mae

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How To: Share your personal Google calendar with your work calendar privately

Share your personal calendar with your work calendar.

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Cómo hacer un evento privado en Google Calendar

Cambia la visibilidad de cualquier evento en tu calendario laboral o personal.

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How To: Make a Google Calendar event private

Change the privacy settings for an event.

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Cómo sugerir cambiar la hora de reunión en Google Calendar

Puedes proponer cambiar la hora de una reunion si necesitas cambiar el evento, especialmente si no tienes permisos para cambiarlo. Aprende como responder al evento desde Google Calendar.

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Comparte información dinámicamente en tableros y hojas de cálculo – Trabajando desde casa

Si deseas encontrar formas escalables para producir informes rutinamente, especialmente si estás exportando datos a hojas de cálculo, que son fáciles de filtrar sus datos, son seguros, y visualmente atractivos

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